J215 Intro to Multimedia Web Skills (2014)
Course Objective
This five-week mini-course is a follow-up to the Intro to Multimedia Reporting Bootcamp workshop, and is required for all first-year journalism graduate students in the Fall.
The objective of the class is to teach every student the foundational skills needed to create an online website, such as a personal portfolio site. This includes instruction in the basics of HTML and CSS, design principles for websites and using hosting services to publish a website.
This class meets for the first time on Tuesday, Nov. 11, and then meets again on Nov. 18, Nov. 25, Dec. 2 and Dec. 9. The class sessions are in the same Tuesday time slots as the J200 "super class" (which ends on Oct. 28).
- Nov 11
- Introduction to HTML — This lesson will cover an introduction to HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Student will learn about the different tags in HTML and how to build a basic web page.
- Nov 18
- Introduction to CSS — This lesson will cover an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and go over syntax for CSS selectors, such as IDs and classes. Students will learn about the various CSS properties to add some design to the web page from the previous class.
- Nov 25
- CSS for designing a webpage — Lesson will cover more in-depth CSS lessons on styling a webpage, understanding the box model better, certain layout rules and styling properties.
- Dec 2
- Using Bootstrap framework for building websites — Lesson will cover the Bootstrap framework for creating webpages, as well as understanding the grid system, various classes build into Bootstrap, and setting up a basic HTML boilerplate for constructing websites in the future.
- Dec 9
- Web Hosting — Lesson will cover a history of the Internet, and an analytical discussion about its effect on culture and communications.