Instructions to setup your local development environment.

The following information describes out to setup your computer to run the exercises for this class. There are lots of software programs to install, so please be patient. All software is free and open source unless otherwise noted.

Step 1 — Setup a GitHub Account

Create an account on Note that the username you pick will be public! So please pick a username that you’re OK with people seeing. You will need to confirm your email for your account.

Github homepage

Step 2 - Install Github Desktop

Install the program GitHub Desktop. This is a companion software to use Github services on your computer.

Github Desktop

Step 3 - Install NodeJS

Install NodeJS from You should install the LTS Version, which means it will give you long term support. Node.js is a Terminal progra, so you won’t see a program icon when installing it.

Node.js homepage

Step 4 - Install Sublime Text 3

Install Sublime Text 3. This software is sometimes called guiltware. It technically costs $80 for a license, but the software makers allow for an indefinite trial period to evaluate the software. This means occasionally you will get a pop-up when you launch the program pressuring you to purchase a license. You can use it in perpetuity without a license, but are encourage to purchase it once you have the the means, to continue to support its development.

Sublime Text 3

Step 5 - Install Sublime Text Shortcut

Sublime Text has a nifty Terminal shortcut that you have to manually install. Open up the Terminal program on your computer (you can search for it using Spotlight) and type the following command:

ln -s "/Applications/Sublime" /usr/local/bin/subl

This will allow you to simply run subl from your Terminal to open up a folder.

Step 6 - Install Grunt Command Line Interface

Open up the Terminal program on your computer (you can search for it using Spotlight) and type the following command:

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

You will need to type in your computer password to complete this step. As you type in your password, you won’t see any characters appear. This is a safety feature. It might be difficult to type without seeing anything appear, but try to focus on your keyboard. Press enter for the program to accept your password.

Grunt CLI